Clearly there is a big difference between just making some OK portraits and Creating outstanding Portraits. Have a look at this beautiful collection of photography from our session with Sara. Look at all the variety – the color choices – the varied expressions – the cool backgrounds – check out the poses. None of these photos just “happened”. Each one was created by the Photographer working a rapport with the model. Sadly I am seeing too many Model Portfolios and High School Portraits that are simply lacking personality and creativity. It seems that there are way to many of these “Soccer Mom Photographers” and “Suburban Garage Studios”.
Sara is doing everything right !!!
If you want really cool photography where you look awesome and you really show off your unique personality you have to go work with an “experienced creative artist”. Don’t settle for ordinary. This is one time when Quality is paramount.
You’ve work hard to be where you are… Treat yourself to the best of the best !!!
Live – Love – Laugh