Here is an example of a young model getting started in modeling who did everything right. Great wardrobe, great make-up Artist (MakeUp by Leslie Grindstaff), supportive Parents, and high quality Photography to show off her exotic look. People contact us everyday with that question on “how do I become a model”? I am the first to tell the these guys and girls that you are selling your “look”. You must work to build a strong portfolio of photographs that show the prospective Agent or Client what makes YOU special. You have got to focus on telling and showing your unique qualities in a way that grabs their attention. Then you leave them with a great Comp Card (this is a Model’s photo business card). With digital and email and Facebook and all the wonderful ways for model’s to get out into the eyes of clients there are so many inexpensive ways to get noticed.
For Your own super cool Model Portfolio check us out
Enjoy Alexis’ Comp Card
Don S.